Fenton Avenue Charter School Science

How do plants eat?

Primary Science Lab
Upper-Grade Science Lab
Science Specialists
Fenton Avenue Charter School

Courtesy of Fremont Magnet School


Standard 2a Students know many multicellular organisms have specialized structures to support the transport of materials.

Standard 2e Students know how sugar, water, and minerals are transported in a vascular plant.

1. How Do Plants Eat?

There are 3 main parts to plants and they need all 3 parts to eat, grow, and live.

2. What do roots do?

Roots - the "mouth" of the plant.  Although you can't see them, roots are one of the most important parts of a plant.  This is how water and minerals get into the plant. Roots also anchor the plant in place.

Click here to read more about roots

Watch a movie of roots growing

3. What do stems do?

Stem - After the root sends water and minerals into the plant, the stem takes over. 

There are special cells called phloem and xylem that do the work of moving the water and nutrients.  Xylem move the water and minerals up to the leaves and then after the leaves do their job, the phloem move the food (sugar) down to feed the plant.

Click here to learn more about stems

Think about what happens if you don't water a plant.  What part of the plant starts to die first?   Click here and watch a movie of a plant wilting.

4. What do leaves do?

Leaves - the food factory. Leaves are amazing! This is where water and minerals are converted (changed) into food for the plant.  This is done by a process called photosynthesis.  Click here to watch a brainpop movie about photosynthesis.

Click here to learn more about leaves


5. Now try this

Did you know that you eat roots, leaves and stems.  Click here to play this game and learn about the different plant parts you eat.

Use this link to go to a great site to learn about how trees grow.

Play the National Geographic Plant Game

11828 Gain Street, Lake View Terrace, CA 91342